
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Walt Disney (reading create task)


Hello fellow bloggers commenters or just viewers. this week is something special unlike the other weeks. as you know or don't that every week or most weeks we pick a book and read and write about it. This week we did inspiring people like Walt Disney, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther king jr etc. i picked the Walt Disney book it tells you facts about walt disney that some people never probably knew. like one day him and his brother found melted tar and they used sticks as paint brushes and painted on the side of his house. when they moved it was still there. there was stuff like that in the book. also make sure to check all my work and it won't hurt to leave some feedback

The first create task is about how all your texts link together.

the first create task is a fact file where you writhe facts and when and where he was born and his family stuff like that.

there is 2, 2 create tasks you use a dlo and say why is the person you read about


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