
Friday, July 2, 2021



This is my tsunamis individual natural disasters inquiry task


  1. Hey Zia its me Lathan i really like your presentation its so cool i also did Tsunamis aren't they so fun to learn about!
    By Lathan

  2. HI Zia i rlea lic your post maybe next time you could put some more facts and make them slower too but again your post is absolutely fine the way you want it by sebastien ;)

  3. HI Zia,
    Lucas here i like the you had lots of info in your report and you made it on render forest which i thought was really cool i only did google slides really boring anyways next time maybe add a bigger description and thats all i got to say well done.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Zia, Bilal here i really like your tsunami presentation looks like its made by a real proffesional and is super interesting, it could help a lot of people who don't know what to do in a tsunami and could save a whole lot of lives. I did my presentation about floods but I think Tsunamis and floods are kind of the same but they might not be, overall Epic Post!!! |:)


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