
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Uru Manuka Student Summit

This week there was a student summit where 15 people from each School in the Uru Manuka cluster gathered and taught each other how to use apps or websites. some schools were our school wigram, yaldhurst, south hornby, hornby primary who were the host and kindly let the cluster use there school. then there was other schools etc. 3-5 people out of the 15 from school were presenters and the rest who learned. the ones who presented from our school was me (Zia) and Karaitiana the others were Lucas and Mya. me and kk did it way better in my opinion not just myn also kk thinks that also. anyways lucas and Mya did how to upgrade your google slides to the next level BORING. me and kk did how to use google forms and turn it into a quiz we did 2 lessons our first one a bit mixed but half way thru we did good and on our second lesson it was chill and we were relaxed like we were real teachers. it was a fun experience for all of us and we had a great time.           here is some photos down below


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