
Thursday, June 3, 2021

The red ball (reading create)

 Hello fellow bloggers commenters or just viewers. this week is nothing special as you know or don't that every week or most weeks we pick a book and read and write about it. This week i picked the book the red ball the story is about two sisters named Ida and May. Ida was the older sister but the shy and quiet and sometimes clumsy May was the opposite she was loud, fast and never missed a catch. May was better at everything it wasn’t fair for Ida and one day the principal at school said that May was going to the regional athletics competition. Ida was such in a mood after that they went to the playground and May took her favourite red ball Ida took the ball of her and threw it away. May said she was mean and went for the ball Ida went on the swing then saw a girl who swore didn't see when she got on the swing. she was wearing a sparkly floaty dress the girl said is that your sister Ida replied yes but i wish she wasn't .The girl later on said say this if you don't want her as your sister anymore fairy folk so wild so free take my sister away from me. Ida says it then the girl teleports to May and they both are on the roundabout toy and they spin really fast and disappear Ida panics and takes it back so she goes on the roundabout and spins herself really fast and says fairy folk so wild so free give my sister back to me. then she magically teleports to a forest she sees her sister in the middle of dancing fairies the girl from before see’s her and says what do you want. Ida says i want my sister back then all of a sudden There is 3 Mays and the girls says if you guess which is your sister you can take her back but Ida has a plan she throws the ball at all three of them and 2 of them flinches and takes cove but May catches it and they teleport back to the playground they both go back home. This description counts as a create task 1 that's why there isn't a reading create task 1 below and make sure to check all my work and it won't hurt to leave some feedback

Reading create task 2

Reading create task 3 sorry i couldn't do this create task due to tests and other stuff

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