
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

little pig 3.0

One day there was a wolf who was baking a cake but had no he gets a measuring cup and goes to the little pigs straw house. And thinks the pig is stupid for making a house out of straw. After that thought he knocks no answer he says “little pig, little pig let me in” next the pig says “not by the hair on my chinny chin chin”. All of a sudden the wolf had an urge to sneeze . just like that he sneezes one big sneeze then bam the house crashes down. “Help help i'm stuck “ the wolf sees a pig suck in the ground head first.  Wolf being confused on how he got there in the first place. So he sprinkled some sugar on the pig and. ate him raw and took the sugar home and carried on baking. Knock knock knock there is someone at the door the wolf goes to open it… its the fbi “why are you here” says the wolf the fbi say we have witness reports from mr sheep that you have murdered mr pig and stolen sugar. I'm gonna have to take you away. Later that day the wolf ends up in jail for murder, vandalism, trespassing and theft. Then a reporter changed the story and ended up to the story we all know .

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