
Monday, May 24, 2021

earth quake

 Hello fellow bloggers commenters or just viewers this week is nothing special as you know or should know that every week or most weeks we pick a book and read and write about it this week i picked the book earthquake its is about family of 4 the only name it says is the little girl who’s name is Elli names who gets caught in the 2010 christchurch earthquake the girl in the family gets woken up and gets scared and having no power makes it scarier her dad comes and sines a torch at her and the dad goes and looks for the radio and the mum goes and fills up pots to save some water and just like that the water cuts off then they go shopping in the morning and bluh bluh bluh. Thats what its about there should be a create task under below and check it out and it won't hurt to leave some feedback

sorry i could not finish my work and that's all i could do

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zia,
    Lucas here i will comment because you are in my reading group and i like the way you told us a story very clearly and told us when the earthquake happened that reminded me of when i was little the after shock happened or one of the after shock happened and i thought it was something fun. maybe next time at least finish the second create task but anyways good work.

    bye bye.


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