
Thursday, September 17, 2020

what i did for student summit with other schools

 hello this is what i did for student summit i did 4 things these are what i did here's one thing this is scratch jr you can make games and stuff

another one is a site where you can make posters and other stuff
sorry i could not find the rest. here are the links if you want to do it 
this is the poster site click here
and this is scratch jr click here


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Zia, I'm Renae from Yaldhurst School!
    This Blog is cool.
    I love the poster you made!
    Maybe you could add what your favourite part about the summit was?
    Did you have fun doing the summit?
    I was at the Summit to and I was doing Storyboard that and how to use Prezi and 2 others!!!
    Great blog!!


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